Jackson County Regional Livestock Market
Welcome to Jackson County Regional Livestock Market or JCRLM. We are a livestock Auction House located in Ripley, WV.
- Large stadium style arena-seating will accommodate several hundred people.
- Large sale arena will hold several head of cattle and makes a nice riding arena for our Horse and Tack Sales.
- Convienient Bull pens hold Bulls for the sale, quietly and safely.
- Several water pens are available for animals that stay over.
- Our Semi loading chute is made of mostly pipe and is easily accessable for Semi Trucks.
- Top of the line hydraulic chute makes it simple and efficient to work cattle and palpate cows.
- Sale barn has several pick-up loading and unloading docks as well as a slant trailer dock.
- Drive through trailer dock makes it quick and easy to load and unload cattle without having to back up.
- Large kitchen offers several meal choices with outdoor and indoor entrances.
- Horse sales are run effieciently and with plenty of room to keep horses seperated. Large field available to ride in as well.
- A representative from the West Virginia Department of Agriculture is on-sight during every sale.
- Our sale barn is cleaned and disinfected on a weekly basis.
- Our advanced computer system makes checking out and picking up your check extremley easy.
Hay Sale Each Saturday Before The Cattle Sale
We take in cattle beginning on the Friday prior to the sale day from 10:00am – 7:00pm